The Age of Peace
by Jan Stephen James Cavanaugh, Ph.D. on 06/15/13
Come, let us build the next order of civilization, the next step up to a higher order of global human civility - ruled less and less by war and more and more by law. Let us build a World of Nations by 2020.The third step to the Age of Peace.
Let us reflect: War and peace is a false polarity. Such false pairings of the dyadic nature of the metaphysical realm lead to false understandings in the human realm, like saying the opposite of “up” is “right”. For is it not so that from war comes terror, while from law comes peace? The true opposite of peace is not war as is the common understanding, but terror, and by similar logic the true opposite of war is not peace, but rather it is law. How do we know these things to be true? Human experience; the difference is between being in a state of terror and the state of a being at peace. War and law are states of action.
The choice put forth for us is not war or peace, a dyadic miss-pairing that favors war; it is war or law, a dyadic pairing that favors peace. In which do we trust?
Let us imagine: A global warrior class and global legal class emerging from our collective global consciousness on bended knee swearing allegiance to the goddess of Justice to protect the innocent and to enforce global law. This would be at last a fulfillment of the prophecy of the lion and the lamb working together for the greater good. The warrior who is all of us, sworn to justice, the sword of justice in her hand. The sword of war put to rest. As war is the masculine principle, law is the feminine principle. In the next order of civilization the feminine principle rules, the masculine principle, modified, serves her.
Let us agree: The next best thing to the law of Love yet to come upon us is the rule of Law infused with the Love which has been given to us.
Global Human Development
by Jan Stephen James Cavanaugh, Ph.D. on 06/15/13Global Human Development:
Global Charter
by Jan Stephen James Cavanaugh, Ph.D. on 06/15/13
Global Charter
Amero-centric Concepts
To Avoid WWIII End War
Note: These concepts are written from the perspective of a global citizen residing in the United States of America reaching out to the global community. These concepts comprise ten Amero-centric principles when applied transglobally and transcribed locally can be the nascent foundation for a World of Nations.
Think Globally Act Locally
Doctrine of Peace
Earth Consciousness
Universal Health Care
Immigration Legalization
Enlightened Capitalism
Balanced Budget
Equal Rights Amendment
Balanced Supreme Court
Drug Policy
Charter Addendum
Life (Male and Female)
Global Motto:
Global Peace Movement To End War
by Jan Stephen James Cavanaugh, Ph.D. on 06/15/13
Global Peace Movement To End War
If we the people of globe Earth want peace on earth, humanity freed of war we can have it, but we must be clear-seeing.
Clear-Seeing: A global peace movement is NOT an anti-war movement. Human nature abhors a vacuum. This is the reason peace movements based on an anti-war philosophy will never deliver the peace and justice they promise. A global peace movement is NOT antimilitary, but works with military to build a time when military force is done. Police force yes.
Clear-vision: A global peace movement, is a pro-law movement.
Clear thinking: From law comes peace, from war comes terror.
Our premise: Just law is justly enforced for all humans, first according to local traditions, and if that is not sufficient to stop the killing, then global enforcement, only then will the terror of war unbounded end. Then and only then can be we begin to build a humanity at peace with itself, the god of war put to rest.
Let us note: The intellectual assumption that war is the opposite of peace gives the advantage to war. If the human race is to no longer rely on war as the default position in conflict resolution, there has to be a pro-law plan that offers real peace. The philosophical outline of a plan is contained in the blue print herein to end war forever.
Objectives: End the Age of Terrorism peacefully. Build the Age of Peace.
Let us proceed in the name of love for the sake of peace.
"When the Innocent stand as One, the Age of Terrorism will end."
September 11, 2004jsc