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The Winds of War 2015 Election USA 2016
To What Do We Entrust Our Children’s Future?
November 11, 2015jsc

The winds of war 2015 on this Armistice Day continue to quicken and soon to become the opening storms of World War III. 

It is the nature of war that each side adjusts and learns, adjusts and learns; to the victor the killing field to gut the enemy. The number of deaths from the war in Syria as a percentage of deaths compared to the population of the United States of America would be 2,000,000 killed, at least. This insensitivity to the deaths of others (Tirman) makes all party to and in a state of sin by abetting this grave injustice. 

No one ought to be surprised at the ever increasing likelihood of World War III. With the talk of war and more war dominating the evening news and no talk of avoiding WWIII, World War III will be with us soon enough. 

The winds of war 2015 can be felt as a “south-wind rushing warm” (Tennyson), a feeling in the bone and people are afraid for the future of their children's grandchildren.

How do these feelings play out in Election 2016? How does an uneasy electorate respond to those who reason the world is more at war because of President Obama? He has been made to seem weak. Obama’s emphasis on diplomacy and rule of law made to seem un-American. In 2016  do a majority of the electorate trust those who tell them Americans need to make the enemy feel the heel of our boot first and deal with the consequences later, as seen in the rear view of Bush's Doctrine of War? Those seeking power say “trust us”, we will get war right this time: adjust and learn. Will the rule of war be the will of “we the people” in 2016? 

Obama's nuanced use of American Forces can be unnerving to a fearful mind in the face of growing enemy. He entrusts our children’s futures to an evolving long-term strategy of war: Commander in Chief, U.S. Special Forces, targeted missions, small-footprint military and large-footprint diplomacy. Will diplomacy and rule of law be the will of people in 2016? 

How will the winds of war 2015 impact U.S.A. Election 2016?

Law or war, to what do we entrust our grandchildren’s grandchildren future?